Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Inverted Glendora

Inverted Glendora, originally uploaded by billaday.

A late night shot while driving through downtown Glendora. Since the original shot wasn't the strongest composition (and I needed a photo-a-day), I ran it through the fun, yet tacky Photoshop wringer.

In Photoshop, I merged 2 photos with different exposures. Next, I added a few filters... paint daubs, plastic wrap, and dry brush. Finally, I ran it through AlienSkin's Antimatter. It inverts colors and adds some character. That's why the bright streetlights show up as super dark circles.

It's been a long time since I've played in Photoshop. Maybe next time, I'll just take the time to capture a stronger image initially.

Day 22

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