Saturday, June 02, 2007

Honda Center Watch Party

Honda Center Watch Party, originally uploaded by billselak.

We watched the Ducks play at the Honda Center. There were about 4000 people hanging out. Even though the game was it Ottowa, the ice was still in Anaheim.

Friday, June 01, 2007


iLongExposure, originally uploaded by billselak.

A one second exposure of Isabelle's MacBook. No Photoshop effects. Such a beautiful laptop.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Eject!, originally uploaded by billselak.

I pushed the eject button, and the keyboard came out!
(Actually, it took a lot of work to pop out the iBook keyboard (but I like this cross-section.))

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Forks, forks, forks

Forks, forks, forks, originally uploaded by billselak.

So much cutlery.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Days of Atari

Days of Atari, originally uploaded by billselak.

Remember back when the Atari 2600 was the most impressive thing ever? Remember back when everyone had one of these controllers you can plug into your TV and that was the coolest thing ever? This picture is cool because those are now vintage and cool. Yeah.

Monday, May 28, 2007

99 years

99 years, originally uploaded by billselak.

Philippe's the Original Restaurant, since 1908. Iced tea is only 55 cents. Best beef dip ever. Great atmosphere.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tuning keys

Tuning keys, originally uploaded by billselak.

Here's what my guitar looks like (really) up close. It's interesting how a macro shot of a guitar looks quite abstract, even though a guitar is really easy to identify. Hmm...