Saturday, March 31, 2007

Star Trails (round 1)

Star Trails (round 1)

Star Trails (round 1), originally uploaded by billselak.

I took 34 different exposures, each at 30 seconds. In Photoshop, I layered these and changed the layer style to Lighten. The compiled image is 17 minutes. It's my first star trail picture; I'll try it again when the moon isn't full.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Colorful egg.JPG

Colorful egg.JPG

Colorful egg.JPG, originally uploaded by billselak.

It's not a real egg.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bike ride

Bike ride

Bike ride, originally uploaded by billselak.

quickly crossing the street (with the help of a Photoshop motion blur)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Toy boxes.JPG

Toy boxes.JPG

Toy boxes.JPG, originally uploaded by billselak.

This is like those little wooden Russian dolls that fit inside each other... only with boxes instead of Russian girls, and there are ten boxes, and they have bright colors, and they are probably made in China. Other than that, it's exactly the same.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007



Tow.JPG, originally uploaded by billselak.

Dear Saturn,
Hi. How are you? I'm ok. It's been non-stop problems for you, ol' Saturn, since the freeway. I hope you feel better soon. I'm sad you're gone... mostly because my mom has to take me to work now. The people at the shop will fix you up real well. We'll see you soon.

Transmissionally Yours,

Monday, March 26, 2007

Joshua Tree Contact Sheet

Joshua Tree Contact Sheet

Joshua Tree Contact Sheet, originally uploaded by billselak.

I'm working on a Joshua Tree book. Here are the top 83 pictures. (So this technically isn't a new photo today. Shoot me (with your camera.))

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Green house.JPG

Green house.JPG

Green house.JPG, originally uploaded by billselak.

Looking out the Lillis' kitchen window. I love the way old glass distorts.