Saturday, May 24, 2008


before/during, originally uploaded by billaday.

We're remodeling the bathroom. You've seen the cliché "before and after" shot. Well, it's not done yet, so here's the before and during shot. The "after" will come by Saturday.

Day 166

Friday, May 23, 2008

window dressing

window dressing, originally uploaded by billaday.

This building was actually available for lease. Who would want to spend thousands of dollars to have their business here? Seriously?

Day 165

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Wicked, originally uploaded by billaday.

If you've seen the play Wicked, think of the end of Act One. Yeah. (If not, it's really cool. So go see it.)

Day 164

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have the power

I have the power, originally uploaded by billaday.

Remember when He-Man said that every episode? That rocked.

Day 163

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Centennial Lane

Centennial Lane, originally uploaded by billaday.

Azusa Pacific University has these giant pillars in the driveway. I think it's their anti-drinking and driving campaign. There's 20 or so of these in the middle of where you travel.

Day 162

Monday, May 19, 2008

spotlight on painting

spotlight on painting, originally uploaded by billaday.

My dad was doing some late night painting with the porch light on. He was kind enough to let me walk around and take pictures. He was quite patient with me constantly in his way while he was working. The table thing looked really nice at the end.

Day 161

Sunday, May 18, 2008


exit, originally uploaded by billaday.

After an epic game of Foosball, Mark was either radiating light, or stepping into the light.

Day 160