Saturday, July 05, 2008

turn around

turn around, originally uploaded by billaday.

This is not photoshopped. I was driving down the street and found a sign upside down. I turned the photo upside down, so that the sign is now right side up, but the world is now upside down.

Day 208

Friday, July 04, 2008


pink, originally uploaded by billaday.

Any guesses what tv series the wife and I are watching? Here's a clue: I took a picture of the box set cover.

Day 207

Thursday, July 03, 2008


chevelle, originally uploaded by billaday.

Since this is an old Chevelle, I decided to give it an antique treatment. iPhoto is great for stuff like this. Although this car is pretty cool, I'm pretty glad I have my Civic.

Day 206

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

important panel

important panel, originally uploaded by billaday.

This panel was in the back of what used to be a hotel lobby. It looks really important, like a fire alarm panel, but it looks different from my fire alarm at home. That one is a small circle glued to the ceiling. It slowly drains a 9-volt battery. This is not that.

Day 205

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Rounding second

Rounding second, originally uploaded by billaday.

My dad invited me to the Angels game... same awesome seats. The first time I was lucky enough to sit this close, I took about 400 pictures. This game, I kept it to under 50. I spent more time actually paying attention to the game--it was fun, and it took about 3 hours less time to go through and edit the shots.

Day 204

Monday, June 30, 2008


Bowl, originally uploaded by billaday.

Covina Bowl has one of the cooler signs around. I finally pulled over after work to grab this shot.

Day 203

Sunday, June 29, 2008

spin cycle

spin cycle, originally uploaded by billaday.

UFO? Nope.
Ferris wheel? Nay.
Top? Affirmative.

Day 202