It's time for my latest plug for Zel. He's a phenomenal photographer that's had a big influence on my style. If you ever find yourself thinking that minimal art is lame and says nothing, check out his photostream full screen, and prepare to see something legendary.
Day 362
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Whttr Cty Cmmrc Bldng
Friday, December 05, 2008
Make like a tree, and get outta here
Seriously #1: ok seriously, when did leaves start actually falling off of trees in Southern California. I've never seen so many leaves on the ground.
Seriously #2: So, if you haven't seen Back to the Future in the last year, go watch. Of course, I'm assuming you own it. What? Because it's awesome.
Day 361
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Cracks me up
The nutcracker seems a bit obsolete now, doesn't it? One trip and $4 later at Trader Joe's, and you have two pounds of cracked, shelled nuts. Seriously, what's this guy still holding on to?
Day 360
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Last year, some kids stole a bunch of stuff from my friend's classroom, including this nice (brand new at the time) white iMac. There were immediately caught and prosecuted. Now, over a year later, the iMac is finally returned--it's covered in black fingerprint dust, and is almost outdated. Yay for justice.
Day 359
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Fall has fallen in Autumn
I don't remember leaves ever falling here in Southern California. But this year, I am seeing leaves falling all around me. I got back to my car, and I saw all these leaves on the windshield. What's that about? I don't live in New England.
Day 358
Monday, December 01, 2008
A plane, the moon, and Mars
Aside from knowing incredibly little about outer space, I'm fairly certain that this photo shows Mars, the moon, and an airplane. This looks nice big.
Day 357
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Writing on the Wall
This is a really cool stock photo, imho. You can add stuff to eat, write stuff on it, use it as a texture over another shot. Use it if you'd like...
Day 356