Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday night

Saturday night, originally uploaded by billaday.

My wife is at work and I have a cold. Here's evidence of my Saturday night:
guitar hero controller (Guitar Hero 3 was calling), my camera (to upload yesterday's photo-a-day), and my Nalgene (cuz water makes you feel better). Not too bad.

I'd also like to take credit for doing dishes and cleaning up the house... it just wasn't in the frame, so I didn't mention it at first.

Day 19

Friday, December 28, 2007

Piano Boy(s)

Piano Boy(s), originally uploaded by billaday.

My cousin came down and brought her kids. We hung out and rock some ivories.

Day 18

Thursday, December 27, 2007


A.J., originally uploaded by billaday.

The upside to being stuck in the drive thru for 15 minutes is that you have lots of time to take photos. This is one of them. btw, it was worth it--fried zucchini from Grand Burger is awesome. Almost as awesome as the bokeh here.

Day 17

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Moonrise, originally uploaded by billaday.

I've seen the sun rise (a few times), but I've never seen the moon rise. Now I have. This is a 90 second exposure, and looks pretty sweet large.

Day 16

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

101 Secrets

101 Secrets, originally uploaded by billaday.

Both Annie and I got the book 101 Secrets a Cool Mom Knows for Christmas. We aren't mothers, though. I think some presents were switched. So that means that there are 2 cool moms out there with our real presents. Ironically, my (cool) mom gave us these books/mistakes.

Day 15

Monday, December 24, 2007

Now that's what I call a gift!

Now that's what I call a gift!, originally uploaded by billaday.

Daniel was very excited about this book.

Day 14

Sunday, December 23, 2007


conform, originally uploaded by billaday.

Listen to the shoe. You know you want to. Oh yeah, and Merry almost Christmas Eve.

Day 13