After shooting and editing 350 pictures, I finally have some family portraits to share with Michelle and Danny. View On Black
Workflow wise, I used Lightroom for the first time. I like how I could take my Photoshop knowledge and apply it to Lightroom. Good times, good product. Easy smart filter. Now I just need to see how well it manages files and projects.
Year 3, Day 94
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Family Portrait
Friday, March 13, 2009
I've noticed that after 2 1/2 years of photo-a-day, not as many things "catch my eye." And yes, I'm using quotes on that. When I first started the photo-a-day project, I had my camera always with me, and I found many, many shots that I had to take. Things don't grab me like they used to. I guess I'm pickier regarding my subject matter.
So... this shot. This scene actually caught my eye. I thought to myself, "I need to stop and take this picture." So I did.
Year 3, Day 93
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
pillar of salt
I like the angles, color, texture, and contrast. Not sure about the composition. Is it too busy?
Year 3, Day 91
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
modern pyramid
This sculpture caught my eye last week. I brought my f1.4 lens to work, and snapped some shots.
Dedicated to Zel. Not only is this photo Zel-ish, but he left a comment last year asking me why I took so long to photograph a building that caught my eye. Mostly because of that comment/encouragement, I photographed this shot without procrastinating.
Year 3, Day 90
Monday, March 09, 2009
I really enjoy teaching at APU. As though it's not the coolest thing ever to help people become better teachers, I get to back on a college campus. There's so much learning, interesting people, flyers, and architecture around. This photo falls under that last category.
Year 3, Day 89