Saturday, July 04, 2009

Color burn building reflection on an empty Old Town Pasadena fourth

Color burn building reflection on an empty Old Town Pasadena fourth
originally uploaded by billaday.

Not the most poetic name on this one. I wanted to remember lots of information on this shot like...

1) Channel mixer (adjustment layer): red 100%
2) Layer blending mode (for channel mixer): Soft light
3) Fill layer: Blue
4) Layer mask (for the blue): I didn't want the reflection to be too blue. btw, that's a newspaper dispenser.
5) Layer blending mode (for the blue): color burn

Interestingly enough, Old Town Pasadena was really empty on the 4th of July. I guess most people were cooking hot dogs at home.

Year 3, Day 206

Friday, July 03, 2009

Ribs Rock at Robin's

Ribs Rock at Robin's
originally uploaded by billaday.

Yum. Go eat some ribs at Robin's in Pasadena. Good lunch deals. I hear they're beyond crowded on Sunday afternoons.
Year 3, Day 205

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Three hours in traffic

Three hours in traffic
originally uploaded by billaday.

Good news. After getting 13 laptops stolen from my summer school (remember, I'm the computer teacher), we got some local press. CBS 2 news ran a story on us. Then, Dreamworks gives me a call and wants to know more about what we're doing. Long story short, this photo is of my drive back from Dreamworks with 13 computers. Awesome... except for all the traffic.

Year 3, Day 204

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The nephew snuggle

The nephew snuggle
originally uploaded by billaday.

Wow. July. I've decided that my photo-a-day uploads are inversely proportional to my exhaustion level.

This shot was taken with minimal light. I knew a flash would kill not only the mood of the moment, but the mood of my photo. So I shot with available light, and ran it through Exposure's filter: Cyan- Sun Bleached Poster. It brightened up the mids, and added a nice blue tone to the shot.

Year 3, Day 203

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


originally uploaded by billaday.

Here's a photo taken in the 11th hour. Some of my favorites shots are taken when I have to take a shot before going to bed. I don't think this is one of them. Hopefully, it'll motivate me to make some more time to take photos (when I have time).

Year 3, Day 202

Monday, June 29, 2009



originally uploaded by billaday.

There was a skunk when I pulled up to my house. I didn't want to get a closeup.

Year 3, Day 201

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mr. Soda Nose

Mr. Soda Nose
originally uploaded by billaday.

Finally, I'm catching up with my photo-a-day. I've been teaching summer school in the morning and afternoon with kids, and at night with adults. Crazy, crazy times. I'm still shooting (at least) one picture every day. I just haven't remotely had time to sort and upload shots. Free time is a-coming.

Year 3, Day 200