Saturday, October 06, 2007

I saw it

I saw it, originally uploaded by billaday.

Woo hoo! This is photo #300 for my Photo-a-Day. If you're on Flickr, check out my Photo-a-Day blog. If you're on the blog, check out my Photo-a-Day set on Flickr. For everyone, enjoy the slideshow! Oh yeah, this is a compound saw, with a cool shadow outside.

Friday, October 05, 2007


Basin, originally uploaded by billaday.

Here's another upside to washing your hands (you find more photos to take).

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Fingers, originally uploaded by billaday.

Hanging out with the baby (not mine, fyi).

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

DoF pages

DoF pages, originally uploaded by billaday.

This looks cooler viewed large. btw, these are my teacher's editions.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Irwindale church

Irwindale church, originally uploaded by billaday.

I was driving down the street when I noticed the dilapidated roof and crazy shadows. Without looking, I aimed my camera and shot. A quick crop made for a nice shot. I've recently been mesmerized by these shots from one of my Flickr contacts. I was shooting for a similar idea...

Monday, October 01, 2007


EQ, originally uploaded by billaday.

This is my bass amp head. It's vintage, and it powers the speaker that's also old/vintage.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Depth, originally uploaded by billaday.

Is it too obvious what this is? (I think so.)
Either way, it looks awesomer large.